Glass Cleaner Concentrate, Glass Cleaners, Green Gel

Manufacturing Process

Before starting the process of making the chemical glass cleaner, rinse all tools with DM water (Demineralised water). Always use clean tools for making the product to maintain quality.


Step 1

Take required quantity of DM water in HDPE drum (TDS of water must be below 50)

Step 2

Start stirring water in the drum


Step 3

Add Glass Cleaner Concentrate very slowly while stirring

Step 4

Continue stirring till solution is uniform and homogeneous


Step 5

For best results, keep this solution as it is for 10 hours

Step 6

After 10 hours, the chemical glasscleaner solution is ready for filling




For safety purposes, always use appropriate hand gloves, goggles, and mask. If your eyes come in contact with the chemical, thoroughly rinse it with clean water. If irritation persists, immediately contact a medical practitioner.
* Keep the product away from acidic materials like Hydrochloric acid (HCL) and Toilet Cleaner.